Michigan Marrow Walk 2015

Get ready to help save lives by putting on your walking and running shoes and participating in our 5th Annual Michigan Marrow 5K Walk


Shortly after his first birthday, Chrissy brought her son, Alex, to the doctor. Chrissy was concerned because Alex's fever wouldn't go down and she had noticed some of his lymph nodes were enlarged. The diagnosis felt unbelievable-Alex had a rare form of leukemia.

Little Alex went through three rounds of in-patient chemotherapy. Meanwhile, Chrissy and her husband, Ron, debated whether or not Alex should have a bone marrow transplant. After a month of weighing the options, they decided to move forward with the transplant.

Like 70% of people who need a marrow transplant, Alex did not have a matching donor in his family and had to rely on the Be The Match Registry to find a donor.

Within weeks, Alex found this match. He received his transplant on October 18, 2010.

The road to recovery had its ups and downs, but today Alex is a full-haired, happy, healthy 4-year-old and Chrissy and Ron are thankful for the marrow transplant that saved their son's life.


When Stella was 8-years-old, she was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia. Doctors said she needed a bone marrow transplant right away, but like most patients, she did not have a matching donor in her family. Because of her mixed heritage, there was a 2% chance of Stella finding an unrelated donor.

Fortunately, Travis, a 29-year-old man from Colorado, had joined the Be The Match Registry® -- 10 years prior. Travis was Stella's best hope for a cure.

After months of tests, treatment, and preparation, Stella finally received her bone marrow transplant.

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