
Revolutionize the Way You Work

Does this look familiar? Sound Familiar?
Topics • Biggest Drains on Employee Time • Time is Money • The Ways We Communicate are Changing • Introducing Yammer • About Yammer • Product Overview
Does this look familiar? Biggest Drains on Employee Time Aknowledge worker spends most of the week gathering and communicating information: Note: Few workers perform all tasks. The number of hours per week should not add up to 40. Cost per worker per year is based on an annual salary of $75,000, including benefits. Source: IDC’s Information Worker Productivity Survey, October & December 2008 and Linkedin Survey, 2009
Does this look familiar? Time is Money Every week, knowledge workers waste nearly 3.7 hours searching but not finding information and 2.5 hours recreating content that can’t be found. 6.2 hours lost per week equates to $10,011 per worker per year – which amounts to nearly $10 million total for every 1,000 employees. The IDC reports that the return on investment for improved access to information ranges from 38% to 600%. Note: Cost per worker per year is based on an annual salary of $75,000, including benefits. Source: IDC’s Information Worker Productivity Survey, October & December 2008 and Linkedin Survey, 2009
The Ways We Communicate are Changing Social networking now exceeds email usage
The Consumerization of Enterprise Software • Cloud computing • Software-as-a-Service • Designed for, and adopted by, the end user • No training • Open and flexible workflow • Spreads virally: value proven first, pay later • Organic, serendipitous discovery of relevant content • Leverages intra- and inter-company network effects • Accessible everywhere: browser, desktop, mobile, tablet
Better Communications = Higher Total Returns “Companies that are highly effective communicators had 47 percent higher total returns to shareholders over the last five years compared with firms that are the least effective communicators.” Communication and Financial Performance If you invested $100 in 2004 in companies with varying levels of communication efficacy program, the value of your investment today would be “Highly effective communicators are using social media tools 2-3 times more than the low- effectiveness group of companies to reach employees.” Towers Watson 2009-2010 Communication ROI Study Report, of 328 companies with a combined total of 5 million employees
Yammer: The Enterprise Social Network Easy. Shared. Searchable. Real-time. Where your company’s knowledge lives. • Messaging and Feeds • Direct Messaging • User Profiles • Company Directory • Groups (Internal) • Communities (External) • File Sharing • Applications • Integrations • Desktop, Mobile, Tablet • Translations • Network Consultation and Support
About Yammer • Launched September 2008 • Won TechCrunch50 • Leader in Enterprise Social Networking • Based in San Francisco, CA • $40 MM funding from Tier 1 VC’s • Founded by David Sacks, former COO of PayPal • We use Yammer every day, all day for our own operations and releases
Customer Success = Proven Value 100,000+ companies, including 82% of the Fortune 500 – and growing.
Accolades • TechCrunch50 Winner (2008) • One of Lead411’s “Hottest Companies in San Francisco” (2010) • Extensive press coverage and recognition
Yammer’s Business Value in Practice Increases productivity, reduces ramp, and improves employee engagement. Finding Ideas and Expertise AAA uses Yammer to surface ideas and find pockets of knowledge within the organization. Usage took off after the CIO mentioned Yammer in a town hall meeting. Global Cooperation After attempting to develop a solution internally, Intuit chose Yammer to break down organizational barriers, connect offices globally, and encourage more collaboration. Learning and Development Pitney Bowes calls Yammer a “learning goldmine” and uses it to facilitate informal learning. The company also discovered it was a great place to recruit evangelists for its external social media initiatives. Crisis Communication The U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife Services chose Yammer as its platform to communicate with the various entities involved in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill clean-up efforts. Flattened Hierarchy Nationwide chose Yammer as its primary communication channel for its push toward flattened hierarchy and better management. The results: a more transparent culture, greater innovation, and better knowledge sharing.
Active Users Enjoy 7.5% Increased Productivity “Regular users at LG estimate that it saves them approximately three hours a week by getting answers faster, developing solutions more quickly and more effectively connecting with colleagues.” –Laurence Smith, Vice President of Global Learning and Development, LG Electronics Time Savings and Financial Impact Three more hours per week equates to a 7.5% productivity increase on the typical work-week, or approximately $7,500 saved per employee per year. Total No. of Knowledge Workers 1,000 PER EMPLOYEE COMPANY-WIDE Average Salary Per Knowledge Worker1 $100,000 Hours Per Week 40 Hours saved Cost savings Hours saved Cost savings Total Annual Compensation $100,000,000 per week per year per year2 per year LG Electronics 3.0 $7,500 150,000 $7,500,000 1 Average per Knowledge Worker salary is fully burdened with benefits. 2 Hours per year based on 50 week work-year.
Save Time. Boost Collaboration. Build Community. “Regular users at LG estimate that it saves them approximately three hours a week by getting answers faster, developing solutions more quickly and more effectively connecting with colleagues.” – Laurence Smith, Vice President of Global Learning and Development, LG Electronics “[Yammer] is helping us accelerate collaboration and internal communications across our 20,000 employees in 300 offices in 30 countries. We’re seeing all kinds of serendipitous connections across projects, cultures, and time zones.” – Brian Robbins, Chief Marketing Officer, Sungard “Yammer has enabled us to harness the wisdom of our people who are spread across multiple teams, geographies, and brands to help achieve our purpose of delivering business solutions for competitive advantage. – Jeff Smith, Chief Intelligence Officer, Suncorp “Yammer has gone beyond all of our expectations and has become embedded in the way that we’re doing things. It’s helped drive innovation and build community at Deloitte, and we’re finding new value in the tool every day.” – Peter Williams, Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte Digital Australia
Accessible Anywhere Web Desktop App SharePoint Twitter iPhone Blackberry Android SMS iPad
Product Overview
Feeds Post messages, follow threads, ask questions. Contribute to the conversation.
Direct Messaging Hold private conversations with one colleague or many. Loop others in later on.
Profile Create a profile, share your background and expertise. Get to know colleagues.
Search Find archived knowledge, questions, and answers by searching your network.
Groups Create and join public and private groups. Collaborate within your network.
Communities Collaborate with partners outside your network. Align internal communications.
The Yammer Apps Platform A host of business application tools to expedite work and increase productivity. Questions Document Mark Up and Review Askquestions, get answers, and find them Collaboratively edit and comment on files attached to in a searchable knowledge base. Yammer messages. Polls Customer Support Create a quick poll and ask coworkers to Attach a ZenDesk ticket to a Yammer message so key indicate the best option. stakeholders can collaborate and resolve issues quickly. Events Enterprise Content Management Create events, invite co-workers, collect Share and store files using Box.net's cloud content RSVPs. Add events to calendars. management software. Ideas Online Expense Report Management Solicit, find, and categorize the best ideas Send notifications when an expense report requires action in your company. and track its progress along the way. Links Social Customer Relationship Management Turn standard URLs into news stories that Enable employees to share and discuss feedback from pre-view the linked information. customer conversations that take place in Lithium. Tasks Video Chatting and Conference Calls Assign action items and track completion Hold video-based group conference calls and chats with without leaving the conversation. co-workers around the globe.
Questions Ask questions, get answers, tag topics, and revisit for ongoing learning.
Polls Quickly poll your co-workers and colleagues for opinions and feedback.
Events Create events for teams or the company. Get RSVPs and add to calendars.
Ideas Find, collect, categorize, and rank the best ideas in your company.
Translations Yammer is now in 135 countries and will soon be in the languages to match. Yammer will soon be available in over 100 languages. Messages are written by users in their native language, as set for the network by each company.
SharePoint Integration Add Enterprise Social Networking that is Real-time and Mobile for less than 5% of your SharePoint costs. • Post directly within SharePoint • Search and Document Integration • Admin Control • Available for 2007 and 2010 (shown) Setup takes under 20 minutes. Because Yammer is SaaS, infrastructure and maintenance are our responsibility, not yours.
Links Turn standard URLs into news stories that preview the linked information.