21 PUBLIC INTEREST AI The choices inspired by artificial intelligence models will be crucial for our societies. They can guarantee that more or fewer women find work, influence the discovery of treatments for incurable diseases and improve or worsen equality of opportunity. These choices are collective choices. To realize the potential of artificial intelligence, society must remain in control. Martin Tisn, Summit Envoy for Public Interest AI. The current trajectory of artificial intelligence development will result in three major issues: Increased inequality between those who control and those who use artificial intelligence; Progress made in AI concentrated in a small circle of private actors, jeopardizing both the diversity of actors involved but also the sove- reignty of countries that do not have any leve- rage in this critical technology; Missed opportunities to resolve key social problems (such as fighting cancer) because of the fragmentation of public interest artificial intelligence initiatives and scarce data. That is why France wants, in the framework of the Summit, to see the creation of a new global plat- form that can serve as an incubator for artificial Intelligence serving the public interest, independ- ent solutions, open access or controlled access depending on resources, and which ensures that users have sovereign use of the technology. This is a collective effort, involving consultations with dozens of countries, hundreds of civil soci- ety organizations and businesses from across the world, aimed at developing artificial intelligence common goods in the field of data, open models and citizen participation that can be reused by all States and organizations that so wish, in order to address the aspirations shared by the stake- holders consulted. Since June, a contact group of more than 200 people has met three times and will continue to meet as this initiative takes shape. GLOBAL GOVERNANCE OF IA For the AI revolution to mean progress for everyone, it is essential to design a collective and inclusive governance architecture to address all the challenges of the technology. Henri Verdier, Summit Envoy for Global Governance of IA. The global governance framework for artificial intelligence is currently piecemeal . Some coun- tries and regional organizations, like the European Union, have established their own regulatory frameworks autonomously. At international level, however, there is no unified governance, even if many actors are and must be involved, as arti- ficial intelligence raises all sorts of questions , including safety, ethics, environmental impact, access, competition, cultural diversity, data pro- tection, interoperability of standards, military use, integrity of information, open technical standards and actors sovereignty.

Artificial Intelligence Action Summit Press Kit - Page 20 Artificial Intelligence Action Summit Press Kit Page 19 Page 21