16 CONTRIBUTORS TO THE SUCCESS OF THIS SUMMIT A dedicated team has been working for almost a year to ensure the Summits success . The Special Envoy of the President of the Republic, Anne Bouverot, and five thematic envoys (Sana de Courcelles, Guillaume Poupard, Martin Tisn, Roxanne Varza and Henri Verdier) have been tasked with coordinating the work of contact groups on the Summits work tracks: Future of Work, Trust in AI, Public Interest AI, Innovation and Culture, and Global Governance of IA. A Secretariat has been set up to organize this inter- national meeting and its communication. Lastly, under the coordination of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, a number of French minis- tries and public actors have contributed actively to its content and programme. France is not going to the Summit alone India will be a co-chair . Furthermore, at international level, the Summit team has been supported by a steering committee of representatives from some 40 countries and international institu- tions , as well as representatives of academia, the private sector and civil society. The Steering Committee has met five times. Its aim is to pro- vide high-level guidelines to the five groups led by the thematic envoys, which are responsible for jointly building the Summits outcomes. More than 700 participants (public and pri- vate sector partners, researchers, NGOs from around the world) have taken part in the five contact groups, meeting regularly from summer 2024. The membership of the Summits contact groups is available on its website1. The Summits envoys have visited many coun- tries around the world to prepare the event and gather recommendations from various pub- lic, private and philanthropic stakeholders. Five civil society meetings have also been organized, attended by more than 500 organizations. As the impact of artificial intelligence is unprec- edented and multidimensional, open and mul- tistakeholder processes are needed to ensure todays decisions are informed and legitimate. Thousands of stakeholders have therefore been able to take part in preparing the Summit through various channels: By proposing an event that could be part of the Road to the Summit , a series of prepa- ratory events worldwide to discuss the issues addressed at the Summit. These events have involved public and private stakeholders, experts and academics. The cultural and media sectors have also taken part. The Road to the Summit ends on 11 February, with a series of Summit side events. The list of these events is on the Summit website2; By taking part in the Public Interest AI call for projects , organized by the Paris Peace Forum, through which some 50 projects have been selected from around the world; By contributing to the 35 AI Convergence challenges organized by the Secretariat- General for Investment, illustrating the vibrancy of academic and industrial ecosystems and the solid foundations for innovation in which they operate worldwide; 1 https://www.elysee.fr/en/sommet-pour-l-action-sur-l-ia/presentation 2 https://www.elysee.fr/en/sommet-pour-l-action-sur-l-ia/join-the-road-to-the-summit

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