9 These efforts, which received considerable support under the France 2030 plan, focused on four priorities: Doubling the number of AI talents by con- solidating top-quality research and training: 9 international AI Clusters have been created, with 360 million in funding. The 9 selected AI Clusters are: PR[AI]RIE PSAI (Universit PSL); MIAI Cluster (Universit Grenoble Alpes); Hi! PARIS Cluster 2030 (Institut Polytechnique de Paris); PostGenAI@Paris (Sorbonne University); ENACT (Universit de Lorraine); DATAIA-Cluster (Universit Paris-Saclay); ANITI (University of Toulouse); EFELIA (3IA Cte dAzur Universit Cte dAzur); SequoIA (University of Rennes). These investments have considerably strength- ened the artificial intelligence research and train- ing ecosystem across France. They should help combine this training, research and innovation quality to foster the emergence of academic leaders in France. The aim for 2030 is to train 100,000 people, including 20,000 in continuing training , and to ensure at least one of our centres of excellence features in the leading international rankings. In computing, multiply public and private investment. In the public sphere, Jean Zay has also been expanded and gradually opened up to economic stakeholders, and a European investment is planned to set up an exascale computer in Europe. Priority research programmes and infrastructures (PEPR) for artificial intelligence have been launched to work on frugal and trusted AI. In the private sector , several major projects have been launched in France, including Microsofts announcement at the 2024 Choose France Summit (4 billion), and more are to come. Support for the development of start- ups to foster competitive French businesses, through several actions: 1) development of technological building blocks for embedded artificial intelligence, and their integration within complex systems; 2) development of trusted AI systems, with the construction of the confiance.ai programme; 3) creation of digital commons throughout the generative AI value chain, to boost the development of the sector in France. Deployment of artificial intelligence throughout companies: align AI supply and demand and thus speed up the adoption of the technologies in companies, including through the AI Booster programme. Open source projects and the development of frugal artificial intelligence demonstrators supporting the ecological transition at local levels also help to ensure these technologies serve the many and the public good. In addition to becoming Europes leading gener- ative AI hub, France has risen from 13th place in the Global AI Index in 2023 to 5th place in 2024. Concerning the public-sector led dimension of the strategy (research, training and infrastructure), France has risen from 5th place globally in the 2021 Global AI Vibrancy Ranking to 3Rd in 2023..