6 Introduction by Anne Bouverot, Special Envoy of the President of the Republic Artificial intelligence has been arousing unprec- edented interest for months. For example, six months after the 2024 Olympic Games, Paris, France and Europe will be the centre of the worlds attention during the AI Action Summit (6-11 February 2025), which will focus on the future of our societies. These are set to be transformed by the growing development of artificial intelligence and its uses. France has been thinking about this since 2018, when it published the first part of its national strat- egy on the subject, and the National Commission on Artificial Intelligence, which I was honoured to co-chair, has worked on the issue more recently. Internationally, France is one of the seven coun- tries that take part in all of the main coordination mechanisms on artificial intelligence, which are multiplying. The AI Action Summit is the fruit of long and demanding work, building on previous events and marking the start of new momentum for international cooperation. Firstly, this Summit is unprecedented in its inclusiveness. Inclusiveness has been the watchword in prepar- ing this event. We have closely involved more than 700 stakeholders within our five working groups and consulted 800 companies and civil society organizations in all areas. Across the world, respondents have said they do not want to be passive consumers of artificial intelligence services and want to be included in their design and governance. Inclusiveness is also about access for everyone. We want to demystify artificial intelligence and its complexity, in a shift from science fiction to reality. We will spend a week showing uses in all fields, highlighting artistic creativity and involving the worlds young people.