In parallel, the AI Action Week will culminate in a Business Day at Station F in Paris on 11 February , where businesses of all sizes, investors and financial institutions will hold discussions and illustrate tangible solutions deployed within organizations and to serve the public, report on their latest business and technology progress and talk about the global financial context for the sector. A number of side events will take place on the same day in Paris, including events dedicated to artificial intelligence and democracy and the envi- ronmental impact of these technologies, at the cole Normale Suprieure (ENS) and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, respectively. At the same time, a crisis management exercise will bring together between 250 and 300 AI design- ers and producers, and cyber security experts, for a half day to study several cyber security crisis management scenarios involving AI systems. Press information SUMMIT DIGITAL COMMUNICATION VIA THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA All information and content about the Summit will be posted on one institutional website in French and English: Summit information will also be shared on the social media accounts of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs: ministere-des-affaires-etrangeres-francais ACCESSIBILITY Summit communication will adhere to the Charte daccessibilit de la communication de ltat , which contains all the rules and best practices regarding communication accessibility. This charter requires clear and easily understand- able information, taking into account the situa- tions and the needs of all people. It is available here. 25