Avesis Member Resources Flyer
At Avēsis, we strive to give you the simplicity you seek when using your benefits and signing up online to manage them. Here, we show you exactly what you'll need to get started.
Member Resources Member Resources At Avēsis, we strive to give you the simplicity you seek when using your bene昀椀ts and signing up online to manage them. Here, we show you exactly what you'll need to get started. Signing Up Online Using Your Bene昀椀ts Need Assistance? 1. Visit www.avesis.com and click 1. Select a provider from our Provider Our Customer Care Members from the top navigation. Directory at www.avesis.com. Center can be reached 2. Click Sign Up to register your Search by provider type, name, at 800-828-9341, account. You’ll be required to enter zip code, location, mile radius, and Monday through Friday, your 昀椀rst and last names, date of more, then further narrow your 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST. birth, mobile phone number, and search to include other preferences. email address. 2. Call to schedule an appointment, 3. Create a username and password identifying yourself as an Avēsis that conforms with the password member; con昀椀rm the provider requirements. accepts Avēsis. No ID cards are 4. Click Submit & Get Started. necessary to receive services. 3. At your visit, pay any copays and Once you’re registered, you’ll get non-covered expenses. a con昀椀rmation message that your That’s it! It really is as easy as 1-2-3. registration was successful. Log in and use the dashboard to search Submitting Claims for providers; check eligibility; view Go paperless! Now you can submit vision bene昀椀ts, claim status, and forms your out-of-network vision claims and documents; print an ID card; get through our member portal. It's faster, messages; and edit your pro昀椀le. easier, and better for the environment than submitting paper claims. And you'll Learn more about sight through our even be reimbursed faster! FAQs, glossary, and vital vision facts. Demos Visit http://commercial.avesis.com/portal-demo/p/1 to see a video demonstration of our website and how to use its features. Avēsis Incorporated and Avēsis Third Party Administrators, Inc. are wholly owned subsidiaries of Guardian. Guardian® is a registered Avēsis service mark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. #2020-105041 (7/22) 10400 N. 25th Ave. ©2020 Avēsis Incorporated. ©2020 Guardian. All rights reserved. Suite 200 Rev (7/20) | 078 Phoenix, AZ 85021 www.avesis.com