Appendix 1 Methodology Trade data All trade data are by value in U.S. dollars. Trade data coverage The trade data presented here are based on trade in Harmonized Commodity and Description Coding System (HS) numbers 8486.10, 8486.20, 8486.40, 8486.90, 9030.82, and 9031.41. These are the numbers that, at the HS 6-digit level, are primarily semiconductor manufacturing equipment. However, some of these HS numbers also include non-semiconductor machinery, including machines for manufacturing solar photovoltaic (PV) products and parts of machines for manufacturing flat panel displays. (Chinese companies are currently the largest global producers of solar PV manufacturing equipment.) On the other hand, there is some semiconductor manufacturing equipment that is not included in these HS numbers. The trade data include a small amount of Chinese re-imports ($244 million in 2023). Production capacity data Semiconductor production capacity data in this report are by country of production, including all manufacturers regardless of where the plant owner is headquartered, rather than by the nationality of the company. Notes/Sources: For more on the major manufacturers of solar manufacturing equipment, see International Energy Agency, Special Report on Solar PV Global Supply Chains, July 2022, 29

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