Driver of ROI Calculations: Metric Ref Comment CustomerPipeline $111,111,111 a ViaROIDriver#1 AverageDealSize $50,000 b #ofDealsInPipeline 2,222 c=a/b %DealsWithMicro-sitesPrepared 10% d BeforeusingRELAYTO Micro-Sites Made 222 e=c*d Equatesto6sitespersalesrep RELAYTOImpact: Prior Time SpentPerMicro-site 3hours f Salary Of Web/ContentProducer $80,257 g OverheadBurden 30% h BureauofLaborStatistics(BLS):41% Fully LoadedAnnualCost $104,334 i CostPerHour $53 j At49weeks/yearat40hrs/week CostPerMicro-Site $160 k=f*j TimeSavingsWithRELAYTO 90% l Customerinterviews NewTimePerMicro-Site 0.3 hours m=l*d NewCostPerMicro-Site $16 n=k*(1-l) SavingsPerMicro-Site $144 o=k-n Total Savings At Prior Volume $31,939 p=e*n %DealsWithRELAYTOMicro-sites 60% q Micro-Sites MadeWithRELAYTO 1,333 r = c*q* Additional Sites With RELAYTO 1,111 s = r-e Comparedtopriorbaseline Total Savings For Extra Sites $159,695 t = s*o Total Cost Savings $191,634 u=p+t 5

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