Page 4 If you don’t see your Field of Study (or one that is similar) already listed in the system, you can select “Other” and fill it in. What Schools or Providers Can I Attend? All coursework must be provided by an institution holding Regional or National accreditation. You can determine if your school or provider holds Regional or National accreditation by searching the U.S. Department of Education’s website: Certifications/Designations must be provided by a professional association, certifying body, or institution authorized to award the industry-accepted certification/designation. The list of Regional Accrediting Agencies listed below is subject to change without notice: MSA: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools MSCHE: Middle States Commission on Higher Education NCA: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools NEASC: New England Association of Schools and Colleges NEASC-CTCI: New England Association of Schools and Colleges and Committee of Technical and Career Institutions NWCCU: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities OSRHE: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education SACS: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools WASC: Western Association of Schools and Colleges WASC-ACCJC: Western Association of Schools and Colleges and Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges The list of National Accrediting Agencies listed below is subject to change without notice: AABI: Aviation Accreditation Board International AARTS: Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools ABHE: Association of Biblical Higher Education ACBSP: Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ACCSCT: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges COE: Council on Occupational Education DETC: Distance Education and Training Council Providers holding specialized accreditation are also eligible under the program. What Expenses and Fees Are Covered? Eligible expenses include: Tuition Books Course related fees Your tuition and eligible expenses will be paid at 100% up to your annual benefit amount. Team Members are responsible for all ineligible expenses including, but not limited to: Meals Lodging Transportation © 2023 Bright Horizons Family Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved.