A Five-Part Roadmap to Address Systemic Racism Gensler’s “Strategies to Fight Racism” is a blueprint for outlining key strategies to make positive and lasting change in our firm and industry. This includes changing our hiring practices; pushing for products owned or made by minority businesses; Race and Ethnicity: rethinking partnerships with consultants, vendors, and suppliers; and partnering with academia to help people understand : that design is a viable profession for everyone. Gensler’s U.S. Workforce 1,502 team members are based outside the U.S. 103 distinct, 1,502 team members are based outside the U.S. 103 distinct, identified languages are spoken by team members across identified languages are spoken by team members across Gensler’s global orkorce. 15 countries outside the U.S. Gensler’s global workforce. 16 countries outside the U.S. make up 2 o the firm’s global orkorce. make up 26% of the firm’s global workforce. AERCA ˆA OR We will increase racial We will create education We will pursue equitable ALASKA A€‘E ‡ ƒ.‚ diversity within Gensler by opportunities for Black design solutions in our A€‘E AWAA OR O€ ER ACC SLAˆER ‡ ƒ.„ recruiting and hiring more Black students by expanding cities and communities to €WO OR ORE RACES ‡ .ƒ professionals and supporting our scholarship program and create positive experiences for BLACK OR the Black professionals in our mentoring middle and high Black communities. ARCA AERCA ‡ . firm to achieve and exceed their schoolers in our communities. SAC OR LA€O ‡ ‚ƒ.‚ full potential. ASA ‡ „ƒ.‚ ed W €E ‡ ’‚.„ BLACK OR ARCA AERCA e galvaniz e ar “W unity to SAC OR LA€O ‚ƒ by the opport ues that ASA „ƒ We will create job opportunities We will partner with our clients engage with iss in the architecture and on diversity and inclusion our firm, our clients, design industry for Black initiatives in order to integrate e professionals and serve as an and amplify efforts across and our society ar alking about.” active partner with the National our networks. t Organization of Minority s , Gensler’ ector ir o-D oger Smith, C —R uity and the q ch on E esear or R er f ent Architects (NOMA) and the ACE C vironment n Mentor Program. Built E Gender ˆi“ersity: : Gensler’s Glo”al Pursue Workforce Equitale Desin Solutions in Create Our Cities and Create o NON-BINARY/THIRD GENDER 0.2% +0.1 percentage points YOY Education Counities Opportunities O…BAR†‡€ Rˆ GEˆER ƒ.„ ‰ƒ.‚ Šercenta‹e Šoints †O† FEMALE 54.9% +2.1 percentage points YOY Opportunities in the D EALE Œ.Ž ‰„.‚ Šercenta‹e Šoints †O† for Black Industry for Black MALE 44.9% -2.2 percentage points YOY Students Professionals ALE .Ž …„.„ Šercenta‹e Šoints †O† Increase Partner Racial with Our Diversity Clients on within Diversity Gensler Inclusion diagram_Gensler-strategies-to-fight-racism_v6_1.indd 1diagram_Gensler-strategies-to-fight-racism_v6_1.indd 1 2022-09-27 10:58 AM2022-09-27 10:58 AM 42 DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION GENSLER ANNUAL REPORT 2022 43