Gensler Sydney Block 16 Office Tower, Austin The Gensler Culture To Our Clients Gensler’s ability to thrive through multiple storms This culture and history of overcoming adversity — including the one we’re in now — comes from is what separates us from other design firms. It’s our unwavering commitment to our people and reflected in the big picture of who we are, but also our culture. We draw strength from our diversity in every project. It’s an outgrowth of our client- of perspectives and ideas, grounded in the premise first approach. that creativity is catalyzed when people of different experiences, backgrounds, and generations From the beginnings of our firm, we have always intermingle. We value each other’s points of view, placed our clients in the lead position. The and we seek out inclusivity. It’s an ethos that binds companies with which we collaborate open so us together. many doors to new thinking, new solutions, and better environments to live, work, and play for We are also stronger because of our shared values people all over the world. For that, we say thank and our One-Firm Firm family culture. By working you. Working as trusted advisors, it’s our mission seamlessly as an interconnected firm, we’re able to help solve your organization’s design and real to make the greatest impact for people all over estate challenges and give you the best service the world. It’s a collaborative culture composed of possible. We look forward to another year of experts from all over our firm, working together strengthening our relationships through client to bring the best talent and the best expertise to webinars, industry leadership roundtables, and every project. one-on-one conversations. Innovation has been part of Gensler’s DNA from the start, and we’ve built on that foundation by promoting a culture of research and innovation that informs our project work, strengthens our client relationships, and yields new thought leadership. And we continue to sharpen our focus on one of the most urgent challenges we face as a profession — climate change. Through our Gensler Cities Climate Challenge (GC3) initiative, we have committed to achieve net zero carbon emissions The Decade Ahead in all our projects by the year 2030. And through our Green Materials Initiative, we are reshaping As we wrestle with such radically changing the entire building materials supply chain to Putting circumstances, we have seized the opportunity significantly reduce construction-related to re-examine how we position our firm to thrive. carbon emissions. People First Every 10 years we build on our vision and set new, ambitious goals for the firm — goals that make us We do all this by putting our people first. We stretch, grow, and propel the organization forward. want to empower our team members to pursue Now we’re moving forward with Vision 2030, our their passions and make a difference in the world. roadmap for enriching the human experience in When we share the same goals, we move the the communities where we work and for achieving entire enterprise forward. And we’ve never worked design innovation through diversity of thought. together so well. Crises and change are here, and more will come. In the past two years, our people have stepped We believe the only way to accommodate that up in ways they’ve never been asked to do before. change is to inspire, lead, and show people a future They’ve pulled through adversity and hardship. more exciting than the past. Our vision, purpose, They’ve adapted to working from home and now and unique culture is the difference maker, and begun to reassimilate themselves into the office our people’s leadership, passion, and hard work are environment. It’s been a difficult season, so thank the keys to helping our clients solve some of the you for your perseverance and grit. Thank you most urgent challenges they face. By leveraging to our team of nearly 7,000 talented people for our diversity of ideas, our culture of research and boldly leading Gensler through these challenging innovation, and our One-Firm Firm global platform, times and for being the lifeblood of our One-Firm we come prepared to move Forward Together into Firm culture. a new era defined by design. 2022 Gensler Research and Innovation Awards jury Volkswagen Automotive Cloud, Redmond, Wash. GENSLER ANNUAL REPORT 2022 8 GENSLER ANNUAL REPORT 2022 9