Three things to do first It usually takes a bit of time to follow all three steps in this guide and to set Do now up the debt solution that’s right for you. So before you start, take a look at this section. Check which pieces of advice apply to your situation. Do this as soon as you can. It will put you in the best position to start dealing with your debts. 1. Open a 'safe bank account' account if you owe any money to your bank Make sure that any money you get, or any savings you have, go into an account with a bank or building society that you do not owe any money to. This is because if you owe money to a bank or building society, they can take money from an account you have with them to pay towards the debt. This is called the ‘right of set-off’. Our research shows that 88% of people find it easy to open a safe bank account. If you are banking or saving with someone that you owe money to, you will need to open a safe account. Do this with a bank or building society that you do not owe any money to. This will put you in control of your own money. It can be more difficult to open a new current account when you have already missed payments on your debts. If a bank won’t give you a current account, ask them for a ‘basic bank account’. With a basic bank account, you can have wages and benefits paid in and take cash out. Some basic bank accounts also let you set up direct debits and standing orders. You are not usually given a cheque book or overdraft. Shop around for the best deal for you. See our Safe bank accounts fact sheet. Here’s what Erin, 23, from Wrexham said about opening a basic bank account. “Opening a basic account was very easy. I called into the bank with ID, and the account was opened within 20 minutes.” Page 4

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