Can you pay less for your water supply? This is an area that people often overlook, but you could save money by paying less for your water. Water meters charge you for the water you actually use. Switching to a water meter could reduce your water bill. Use the Water Meter Calculator on the Consumer Council for Water website to check if you can save money. Go to and search for ‘Water Meter Calculator’. If you can't access the internet, you can call the Consumer Council for Water on 0300 034 2222 if you live in England or 0300 034 3333 if you live in Wales. Can I change my mind? You usually have 12 months to change your mind and go back to unmetered bills. But if you live in an area that is short of water, you might not be allowed to switch back. Always check with your supplier. You may be able to get your bill reduced if you are on a water meter, get certain benefits and meet other conditions. There are two schemes to look at: WaterSure if you live in England and WaterSure Wales if you live in Wales. Contact your water supplier for more information or go to and search for ‘Water schemes’. If you are on a water meter, reducing the amount of water you use will also help to reduce your bill. The Consumer Council for Water has tips on how to use less water. Go to If you can't access the internet, you can call the Consumer Council for Water on 0300 034 2222 if you live in England or 0300 034 3333 if you live in Wales. Most water companies have special tariffs that offer lower bills for some customers. Contact your supplier and ask for details. Carry on being money smart You can keep up to date with money-saving ideas by signing up to a free weekly money tips email at 13 million people already do. Page 34

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