Working out your income Make sure you include all of your income and your partner’s if you are doing a budget together. If you, or your partner, are having money taken from your wages or benefits to pay a debt, such as council tax, contact us for advice. We can explain how to show this in your budget. Income from self-employment, including a business partnership Do not use this budget if you (or your partner if you are doing a budget together) get any income from being self-employed. You need to fill in a different budget that works out what your business can afford to pay you after you have put aside your ongoing tax and National Insurance contributions. Business Debtline has a range of business budgets to help you. Business Debtline is a national charity that gives free, impartial and confidential advice to small businesses and self-employed people. Go to and click on Your budget, or call them on 0800 197 6026. Income that changes Not all income is regular. • You might get some payments just once or twice a year, for example, from small pension pots. • You may be a seasonal worker and earn more in some months than in others. • If you have a zero-hours contract or aren’t guaranteed work, your income might change from week to week or from month to month. It is important that your budget is as accurate as possible. If your income changes or isn’t guaranteed, you usually need to work out your average monthly income. This helps to create a budget that you can keep to every month. Page 18