Is this guide for you? This guide has information to help people in lots of different debt situations. Don’t be put off by its size, as you won't need to read all of it. Before you start, answer the following questions. This will help you check that you have the right guide and whether you might need extra help. 1. Do you live outside of England and Wales? If you don’t live in England or Wales, or have debts that were taken out elsewhere, contact us for advice before you use this guide. This is because you may need a different guide or some extra help. 2. Are you self-employed? If you are self-employed, contact our sister organisation Business Debtline. Their guide, fact sheets and budgets are tailored towards people who are in business. They can help you, even if you just have personal debts. Call them on 0800 197 6026 or go to 3. Do you have a debt that needs to be dealt with immediately? You will need extra advice if you are at immediate risk of losing your home, essential services or goods, such as your car. Contact us for advice straightaway if you have: • bailiffs (also known as 'enforcement agents') collecting any of your debts; • been threatened with eviction; • been told that your gas or electricity supply is being cut off; or • been threatened with bankruptcy (this includes receiving a form called a ‘statutory demand’). 4. Are you subject to immigration control? Being subject to immigration control means you need permission to enter or stay in the UK, but don’t yet have it. If you are subject to immigration control or you are sponsoring someone who is, you will also need specialist immigration advice. This is to make sure that any action you take to deal with your debts and finances does not affect your immigration status or anyone else’s. Go to and search for ‘Find an immigration adviser’. 5. Do you have debts that you haven’t dealt with for several years? If you haven’t written to a creditor or made a payment towards a particular debt for several years, contact us for advice before you use this guide. This is because you may need different advice. Page 2