Step 1 Know what you’ve really got 1 Tips for filling in 'Your full budget' Tick the ones you plan to try. Keep all the paperwork you have gathered in one place. Use an envelope or folder, so you can find it quickly when you need to. It will make filling in your budget easier. Add any new statements and letters to your envelope or folder as you get them. Then you will always have up-to-date information to hand. Get to know your budget. Before you start, take 10 minutes to look at the form. Double-check that the amounts you include in your budget are correct, even if you already know some of the figures. For example, check how often you pay each bill – monthly or weekly. Do this as you are filling in your budget. Start a spending diary. It’s easy to underestimate how much you spend on some essential living costs. Decide what type of spending you want to look at (such as groceries). Then note down how much you spend every time you buy something. All you need is a pen and paper. You can start this today. Don’t forget to send a 'hold action' letter to your creditors. See Send a 'hold action' letter to your creditors in the Three things to do first section on page 5. Do this as soon as you can. Finding out what you owe If you haven’t kept the letters from your creditors, or need more up-to-date figures, contact your creditors and ask them how much you owe. If you would prefer not to speak to them on the phone, send them an email or letter instead. If you speak to your creditors about what you owe, do not agree to a payment arrangement. It is important that you only offer what you can afford to pay. You won’t know what this is until you have done Your full budget. Don’t worry if you can’t remember who you owe money to, or can’t find your creditors’ details. We can discuss ways of finding this information, so contact us for advice. Page 15