Are you getting all the money that you should? This is also an easy one to overlook. But it can make your situation more difficult to deal with if you aren’t getting all the income that you should be. Make sure that any grown-up children or other adults that live with you are paying enough towards the household expenses. If you have children from a former relationship, check you are getting the correct amount of child maintenance. Child Maintenance Options can give advice on arranging child maintenance. They also have an online child maintenance calculator that you can use to check your position. Go to or call 0800 988 0988. Child maintenance will not affect any benefits that you are claiming. Look at your insurance policies to see what cover you are paying for and whether you have any payment protection policies. If you have payment protection and have been made redundant, or are unable to work due to illness, make a claim. This income could help to pay towards your living costs. Check that you are being paid the right minimum wage. This usually goes up every year and is linked to your age. For details go to and search for ‘National Minimum Wage and Living Wage’. Everyone is entitled to a personal tax allowance, which is the amount you can earn before you pay income tax. There are also other tax allowances and reliefs which depend on your age and personal circumstances. Check you are getting all your allowances. Go to and search for ‘Income Tax rates and Personal Allowances’. You can ask for tax allowances to be backdated for up to four years. Check your position by calling HM Revenue & Customs general enquiries on 0300 200 3300. Do you have a spare room in your home that you could rent out to a lodger? The Rent a Room Scheme allows you to earn up to a certain amount without paying tax. You will need to check how this income will affect any benefits you are claiming and that your landlord or mortgage lender agrees to this. Go to and search for ‘Rent a room in your home’, or contact us for advice. Page 36