MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program Category II Infraction Policy Overview: (Refer to RDA Program document, Rev. 7, February 2014 for full program details) Category II, 1st - 4th Infraction: No monetary assessment; Dealer will receive a Courtesy Notification Letter, dealer placed on rolling six-month probation. Category II, 5th Infraction: 50% assessment at $445 per wholesale of the MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program monies paid for the month in which the infraction occurred via the “Miscellaneous Billing System”; dealer placed on six-month probation based on the date in which the infraction occurred. Subsequent Category II Notifications within the six-month probation period equate to a 50% assessment at $445 per wholesale Notifications: from the month in which the Category II infraction occurred. In addition, the six-month probation period resets based on the date in which the subsequent infraction occurred. Dealers are cleared of probation if they have placed Tier 3, Category II brand compliant communications in the marketplace for six consecutive months after their last Category II Notification infraction date, i.e., an infraction occurring more than six months from the last Category II Notification infraction date will be reset as Category II Notification #1. Note: A communication containing multiple infractions will be counted as one strike. A communication containing both a Category I and Category II infraction will default to a strike pertaining to the most egregious infraction, i.e., Category I infraction supercedes a Category II infraction. The Mercedes-Benz Communication Consultation Service (MBCCS) has been established for consulting and monitoring services relative to the Mercedes‑Benz New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program. All new vehicle and service Tier 3 marketing questions not specifically addressed in the “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards” must be submitted to MBCCS for pre-approval prior to placement in the marketplace. The service is available weekdays (excluding holidays) between 9 AM and 4 PM regardless of time zone at 1-800-790-0917, or via e-mail [email protected]. MBCCS is committed to respond to each consult request within 24 hours; however, review of a dealer’s Tier 3 website requires a seven-day turnaround. MBCCS is positioned to assist all Mercedes-Benz dealers in assuring eligibility for the Mercedes-Benz New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus funds. MBCCS Consulting Service: 1. MBCCS Consult Approvals are binding for 60 days with the exception of Sales Operation’s monthly offers which are valid only for the month indicated in the “Monthly Sales Guide.” MBCCS is not responsible for the following services: 1. VIN and Stock #s: It is assumed that dealers in good faith are listing vehicles at MSRP to assure compliance to MBUSA’s Tier 3 Bonus Program. MSRP, by VIN, will be confirmed during MBCCS’s monitoring process only. 2. Superlative claims: Dealer is responsible to assure that claims can be documented. 3. Questions relative to AOI are to be directed to your Regional Marketing Manager. Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 67