Introduction The “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards” (MBBCS), published July 2015, Rev. 10 by Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA) supercedes all previously published “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards” and/or guidelines. The “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards” provides authorized Mercedes-Benz dealers with the essential principles to effectively market Mercedes-Benz products and their dealership in a brand-commensurate manner. Additionally, these standards are the framework for the Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC (MBUSA) New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program (effective January 1, 2010, Rev. 1: July 2010, Rev. 2: March 2011, Rev. 3: October 2011, Rev. 4: January 2012, Rev. 5: November 2012, Rev. 6: July 2013, Rev. 7: February 2014, Rev. 8: February 2015, Rev. 9: April 2015) and remain in effect until noted otherwise. The “Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards” apply to all forms of paid and non-paid (added value) Tier 3 new vehicle and service marketing communications, inclusive of, but not limited to: traditional and digital advertising, dealer websites, online vehicle listings, paid search, search engine optimization, social media sites, direct mail, e-mail marketing, local events, geographic marketing parameters (AOI), etc. These marketing standards are to be adhered to when preparing Tier 3 marketing communications to maintain the integrity of the Mercedes-Benz brand and assure the dealer’s eligibility for MBUSA New Vehicle Tier 3 Bonus Program monies. Violations of the Category I standards are harmful to the Mercedes-Benz brand image. Non-compliance with these standards lowers the prestige of the Mercedes-Benz brand in the mind of consumers, has a negative impact on the historically high value retention of Mercedes-Benz vehicles and the Mercedes-Benz franchise and gives the impression that Mercedes-Benz vehicles are commodities that are subject to “distressed goods sales.” Category II standards address very important branding and marketing best practices that are integral to maintaining consistent brand messaging. MBUSA places good faith in its dealer body to do everything possible to market Mercedes-Benz products and their dealership(s) in compliance with these brand communication standards. Additionally, in the planning of new vehicle services, local events and co-branded sponsorships, the dealer in good faith will employ non-predatory practices within their area of influence (AOI) as defined in the “Mercedes-Benz Passenger Car and Light Truck Dealer Franchise Agreements.” MBUSA also places good faith in its dealer body to accurately document their new vehicle Tier 3 marketing expenses as instructed in the “Mercedes-Benz Dealer Accounting Manual” for Dealer Financial Statement reporting. (Tier 3 pertains to individual dealer marketing.) Published August 2015, Rev. 10 Mercedes-Benz Brand Communication Standards l Page 1

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