Pharmacy Rx Shopping Tool Flyer
Shopping for the lowest price medicine is easier than comparing prices for airline travel
Find the best medicine cost Shopping for the lowest price medicine is easier than comparing prices for airline travel. Multiple ways to save on medicines, in one online tool The prescription shopping tool helps you find the lowest cost for medicines, based on your current health plan. Find other options to save money too, like when a lower price alternative is available. Sign in to your account Manage your health and your plan at or the myHP app. Don't have an account yet? It's quick and easy to sign up – you'll just need your member ID card. You can use the prescription shopping tool to: • Find the lowest cost for your medicine • Compare current prices at pharmacies near you • Understand what medicines are covered by your health plan • Transfer prescriptions to the lowest cost pharmacy • Know if you have available refills • See if you have a prior authorization and when it expires • Download tax reports of what you spent last year Plans are underwritten and/or administered by HealthPartners UnityPoint Health, Inc. or through its subcontractor HealthPartners Administrators 22-1753568-1780600 (05/22) © 2022 HealthPartners Inc., a subsidiary of HealthPartners, Inc.