PSLF Checklist
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Checklist Let us do it for you. Fidelity and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) experts at Summer can show you how to simplify your loan repayments and save—all through a streamlined online solution. Want to do it yourself? Follow these steps: Con昀椀rm that you qualify. Check with your employer or view the o昀케cial PSLF FAQs. You need a Federal or Consolidated Direct Loan to qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Check out the tools. Use Fidelity’s Student Debt Tool or visit the PSLF Help Tool to assess your loans. Determine a qualifying repayment plan. Use this information to choose the right one. Enroll in a qualifying repayment plan (such as REPAYE). It’s important to stay current with your payments. Submit the required certi昀椀cation form. Remember to get it signed by your employer, then make it a habit to submit it each year. Say goodbye to your student loan debt. Forever. To learn more, text Forgiveness to 343898 or visit This information is intended to be educational. Public Service Loan Forgiveness is a Department of Education sponsored program and is therefore subject to changes made by that government entity. It is not guaranteed. © 2022 FMR LLC. All rights reserved. 1032498.2.0