PwC & Startupbootcamp Case Study | Interactive Leadership
Explore how PwC and Startupbootcamp leveraged RELAYTO to drive interactive thought leadership and content engagement.
Interactive Thought Leadership Marcom Platinum Award Winner
Problem 1. Static PDF = LOW Engagement 2. Gated resources = Lost leads 3. Multi-channel readers 4. No engagement data Solution 1. Integrated 16 videos, 6 articles, and 21 website URLS 2. Un-gated interactive AND gated PDFs 3. 1-click access to personalized content on all devices 4. Granular analytics on 360 “digital body language” View Presentation → Marcom Platinum Award
Metrics 91% 12x Of interactive readers Increases in engagement also download PDF, (time spent reading) generating 2x leads
“We are now in an experience-driven economy “RELAYTO is the perfect platform to showcase and RELAYTO Document Experiences are the cutting edge thought leadership in the natural next step up from PPTs and PDFs. It has insurTech space. Readers love that the papers helped increase the visibility & impact of our are now visual and interactive.” thought leadership.” Victoria Newton Tshidi Hagan Senior Associate Head of CoLab Customer & Digital at PWC