Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 51 “The average Airbnb is vacant 15 days a month.” This doesn't capture the importance of the problem. “There are no tools designed for Airbnb hosts to increase their bookings.” A quick Google search shows me there are tools out there. Inaccurate statements raise red flags for investors. It makes us think that you either aren't honest or you haven't done your research. OK let’s take the same points and tell a more effective story. Here’s our new and improved problem slide: 1. We surveyed 300 Airbnb hosts and found that 55% don’t get any bookings for 3 months 2. The average Airbnb host is leaving $2,000 a month on the table because of vacancies 3. Existing tools don't offer incentives for hosts to continue using the platform, so they have extremely low retention rates Let's dissect why this problem slide is more convincing: “We surveyed 300 Airbnb hosts, and found that 55% don’t get any bookings for 3 months.” This shows us that you've done loads of customer research. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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