Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 47 So if you want to go into the COVID-eradication business, but your background is in social media marketing... no investor will back you. But if your background is in developing medicine and your co- founder's background is in bio-medical sales... that's a different story. When you're pitching your team to an investor, consider how you can convince her that your team is uniquely positioned to solve this problem. And that confidence won't just come from pedigree. Going to a fancy school or working at a brand-name tech company won't cut it. Let's say your business helps musicians build a bigger audience. You should include a few sentences about your experience as a musician in your pitch. This will show the investor that you deeply understand your customers' pain points. and that you have connections within the music industry, which will help with customer acquisition. Work on problems where your team has a competitive edge. Show investors why your unique background is ideal for your business. 2. Your co-founder relationship Building a company is hard. There are days and weeks when it feels like nothing is going right. There are nights and weekends when you don't see your family because you're grinding so hard. Having a co- founder isn't essential... but it can help. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc