Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 88 Questions that founders should ask VCs Fundraising meetings are a two-way street. Entrepreneurs need to do a good job answering an investor’s questions, but they should also ask questions to VCs. Skipping this is a serious mistake. Entrepreneurs should learn everything they can about an investor before entering into an agreement. You don’t want to take money from bad apples. If things get tough down the road, investors can: ● Call their convertible note ● Potentially replace you (depending on the equity and board situation) ● Threaten litigation (even if they have no case) ● And most importantly, be a big pain in the ass and call you all the time You are looking for a relationship – not just money. Before taking an investor meeting (or even reaching out), do your homework and research investors. Make sure to reach out to investors who are actually a good fit for your business (stage, sector, amount, what they look for, etc). Most websites will spell his all out – especially newer micro funds who are trying to differentiate themselves in the market by going after a specific niche. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc