Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 60 Keep your pitch deck short For an early-stage company, the pitch deck has one purpose: to drive enough interest in your business to schedule a meeting. That’s it. It should not (and will not) convince someone to invest in the company. You should be able to accomplish that goal in 5-10 slides, max. If your pitch deck is 12+ pages, you are likely providing too much information. Too much information can be risky because it gives investors more opportunities to find red flags. For example, if your pitch deck includes a plan to hire 4 engineers in the next 12 months, but the investor thinks you only need 2, she might pass on the opportunity. That might sound silly at first read but trust us: less is more. Here's the solution: omit unnecessary details so that investors can focus on the details that matter most. Now, if you’re thinking, “No problem! I’ll just squish slides 11, 12, and 13 onto one slide… shrink down my text, and voila!”... please don’t. Your most powerful elements will get lost in all the noise. Instead, cut anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. For example: ● That slide about how many people you’re going to hire → Focus instead on the amazing team you already have (even if it’s just you) hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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