Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 142 Acknowledgments A huge thank you to my manager and editor, Kera DeMars. She's coached me to be a sharper writer and a stronger storyteller. Kera reviewed this book with extra love to make sure it would be a long- lasting resource. Thank you for trusting me with this project. I first met Eric Bahn and Elizabeth Yin when I interned for an early startup they advised. I had no real skills or connections, but they invested their valuable time to mentor me over the years. Thank you for seeing potential in me that I didn’t yet realize. Thank you to the mentors who took a chance on me, especially Jayson Gaignard, Andrew Warner, Hung Pham, and Kevin Lee. Thank you to my coaches Kat Koh and Melissa Wong for keeping me aligned whenever I’ve felt lost (which was often). Thank you to my best friend Chloe Lim for being my biggest cheerleader throughout my ups and downs, and modeling what it’s like to be an amazing friend and human. Lastly, thank you to the countless number of people who have impacted my life in both big and small ways – I am forever grateful. With ", Tam Pham hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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