Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 123 This could be because the VC is still raising capital themselves. They can tell you they’d love to be your first check in for $100,000. You go through the entire process outlined above. And then you’re waiting… for weeks. Months. Maybe even an entire year. You call your VC, “Where’s the money??” The VC may say something like, “Well as you already know [aka they never told you], we are still in the process of raising our first fund. Once we can call down some money from investors, we will deploy it. Just be patient.” This is a trap. Here’s what you can do to catch signs before it happens. 1. Please please please conduct investor reference calls (don’t skip this) 2. Seek clarity from VCs by asking these questions: a. When did you raise capital? b. Are you still in the process of fundraising? If so, when is your anticipated first close or second close? c. How long should we expect from your commitment to receiving a wire? d. How much money has been called by your current fund? Getting a verbal commitment is just the first step toward actually receiving the money. Get your documents in order, confirm your wire details, and do your due diligence. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc