Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 92 Imagine you just pitched your fintech company to an investor, who mentioned that she’s interested in Latin American fintech infrastructure. You can reference that note and frame your company (or yourself) as a thought leader in this space in your follow-up email. Next, include anything you promised to share after the meeting. This could include your pitch deck, a link to an article you mentioned, info about your market, data from your pilot program, etc. Make sure the other person has everything they need to properly evaluate your startup. Lastly, set expectations on what’s next. This could be something like “I’ll follow up in a week after you’ve had a chance to process the info and organize your thoughts.” Most email clients allow you to “snooze” the email, so the message will automatically pop back into your inbox a week later (if you haven’t received a response by then). hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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