Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 65 ● They spam their prospects with irrelevant marketing messages. ● They don’t show any interest in the other person’s hopes or dreams. It’s not a surprise that no one is responding to cold emails from these people. Instead ask yourself: what would a good friend do? A good friend would: ● Check in to see how they’re doing as a human. ● Spend quality time together, in and out of the business world. ● Offer to make introductions to potential clients, hires, or partners. ● Share relevant news, books, or articles the other person would be interested in. ● Recommend the option that’s best for them, even if that means going against your personal interests. I especially love the last point. Good friends look out for what’s best for YOU. For example, a true friend might recommend you accept a fundraising offer from a strategic partner over their own deal because it’ll be the better decision for you. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc