Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 73 This new question is wildly more effective. Most people can think of one name with ease. The hurdle is far lower and the ask is achievable. Oftentimes, that person is the richest person they know. 5. Reduce your red flags As VCs, it’s our job to ask the hard questions. To determine (quickly and fairly) whether a company is promising enough to warrant 45-60 minutes of our time. We review enough applications to quickly spot red flags in an application–things that prevent us from moving forward with a company. Here are a few common flags that often prevent us from taking a meeting: ● If the founder isn’t working on the business full-time ● If the revenue model is based entirely on ads ● If the team seems distracted with many different opportunities, rather than focused on the core business ● If we’ve already invested in a similar company ● If the company requires a huge amount of capital to be raised before you can take the MVP to market ● If the valuation is super high Keep in mind that these "flags" are specific to Hustle Fund. Be sure to do your research (see tip #3) to find out what other VCs consider to be deal breakers. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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