Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 126 Sure, we might verify some of your assets. But what’s more important to us is seeing how you set up your Dropbox folder. Because how you do anything is how you do everything. What if a founder doesn’t have a data room? In the early days, not having a data room isn’t a big deal. But as a company matures, there are consequences for not having one. For example, we know a founder whose fundraising round stalled for months because his data room was missing half of the required documents. As a best practice, we send all companies we invest in a checklist of items to share with us before we wire them money. You can use our template below as an example of what your investors might look for. Hustle Fund’s Document Requirements We need fully executed and dated copies of the following: ● Action of Sole Incorporator ● Certificate of Incorporation ● Bylaws ● Board Consents/Minutes ● Founder Stock Purchase Agreements ● Option Plan and Stock Option Agreements (if any) ● 409A Valuation Report (if any) hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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