Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 79 After the initial small talk, ask the investor to tell you a bit about themselves: ● How they got into venture ● What their role at their firm is ● A deal the fund recently completed After they share their story, you can tailor your pitch to the VC’s context. Great storytelling is great listening Having a normal conversation rather than a formal presentation gives you an opportunity to listen to what excites the investor. If they mentioned ● How they believe in startups who think slowly and long term, you can tailor your pitch to show how you're thinking long-term for your startup ● How they started their women-focused VC fund to even the playing field, you can emphasize the women and diversity on your team ● How they invested in a similar company, you can weave how that company has inspired your journey (if this is true) and how you have a similar vision as them These are good ways to connect with the investor and find some common ground. As you share more about your similarities, notice hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc

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