Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 11 They also want to see data around customer discovery that proves what you’re solving is indeed a big problem and these customers are willing to pay to solve this problem. You probably don’t have many (or any) real users or revenue yet. So investors who put in money are betting on your team and the market you’re in. These investment rounds are typically small, ranging between $100k - $1M. The money will likely come from your family, friends, angel investors, and pre-seed funds like Hustle Fund (that’s us!). The goal at this stage is to get enough money to go full-time on your startup, build your product, and start generating some traction. Seed The seed stage typically happens when you’ve shipped your MVP and have feedback from real users. You could have a consumer app with millions of users. Or you may have a B2B business with some enterprise customers in your pilot program. This is the stage where you're validating the market demand for your product and making solid traction. Seed rounds typically range from $500k to $3M. The goal at this stage is to generate traction and find product-market fit. The typical traction range is ~$10k+/month. hustlefund.vc / @hustlefundvc