21 years of France’s attractiveness for American investors First annual 45– of companies did France faces an §eaders of French 8– of investors consider Folloing 2 ears of global Strong decrease of the satisfaction of US barometer on France's not create obs after increasingl global subsidiaries of US that the election of ”inancial crisis, investors are investors in France folloing François attractiveness for the enactment of the competition, companies fear the ‡resident Saro¤ ill more optimistic regarding ¥ollande’s election and term US investors bill setting oring especiall from negative impact from have a positive impact the economic situation time at 5 hoursªee ƒastern ƒurope the deterioration of on foreign investment n 2012, ¦85– of the n 2015, France remains not so ƒmmanuel ’acron’s election 1,250 US companies and …sia Franco“…merican in France ¥oever, France's surveed e„ecutives attractive compared to Uœ, as ‡resident of France drives are established in …merican companies relations attractiveness is don thin that the Šerman and the ‰etherlands‹ US investors’ optimism up France, providing perceive the French France historical ith onl 4– €2010‚ and ta„ation and he economic and social 458,000 direct and ecosstem as drabacs remain ‘nl 0– of US Œollapse of the satisfaction 5– €2011‚ of investors regulation measures situation, labor ©uali”ication 1,50,000 indirect favorable to ne the same« a rigid investors predict an of US investors regarding considering it a ‘good’ announced ill and cost, as ell as ta„ation, … troubled social and economic obs technologies organi¤ation of labor improvement of the the evolution of the or ‘e„cellent’ destination‹ penali¤e France’s remain the most important climate at the global, ƒuropean and an unfavorable economic conte„t economic conte„t he ere up to – attractiveness criteria for investment and French scales slos don ”iscal polic in 200• decisions investors’ optimism SATISFACTION OF AMERICAN INVESTORS IN FRANCE * 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 he “Aubry” la nauguration Jacques Chirac he reform of Œlosure of the Rejection of —emonstration Nicolas —eath of the France oins Stries against a France taes ƒlection of —emonstrations ncrease of the Terror attacs Nice terror ƒlection of he “Gilets —eath of he government sets the legal of the ins the civil servant's last French the ƒuropean against the CPE Sarkozy’s last ™™ "Poilu" NATO integrated pension sstem on the role of François in favor and VAT in France in France attacks on Emmanuel Jaunes” Jacques Chirac announces a oring time at emploment second round pension sstem coal mine in Œonstitution b election ”ighter command reform beteen G8 rotating Hollande as against same“se„ €from 1•‹– to ˆastille —a Macron movement series of 5 hours a ee bonus €ended of ‡residential trigers heav ’oselle referendum in September and ‡residenc ‡resident marriage bill 20– and from Œreation of the poisons the Notre-Dame measures to ”ight in 2015‚ elections stries‹ France France accounts ‘ctober 2010 Ž– to 10–‚ CICE and removal ¦50 taxes social climate de Paris in the pandemic at against e„treme Œontribution Smoking ban for more than 2 Dominique “’ enem is ƒntrepreneurs of the “ta„ on the created since for long ”lames ¨hatever cost¨‹ ƒnd of right candidate period is ˆegining of in public places million web users Strauss-Kahn is ”inance” protest and high“income 2010 for • he countr military service e„tended to riots in the arrested in ‰žŒ ncrease of constitute the orers” removed adapts to Crash of the 40 ears, up French suburbs Unemploment ban charges “pigeons ©uarantine and Œoncorde, that from Ž,5 ears at Œlich“ reaches •‹– movement” mages of Air curfe connected ƒ„plosion of the sous“ˆois of the oring France ¥£ Social conlict ‡aris and …†F plant in population, a —irector assaulted in France over ‰e žor in oulouse resulting record since 2001 b compan pension reform hrs 0 min in 2,500 inured orers mae the and 0 dead nes orldide Geroge W. 9/11 France ˆeginning George US trade Saddam ˆeginning of Barack Obama’s General Motors ˆarac ‘bama ƒnd of the £e“election of ˆoston End of the Severe tensions ƒlection Withdrawal of Withdrawal of Rising pressures ƒ„plosion of the Bush elected attacs opposes of the war W. Bush is de”icit reaches Hussein is the subprime is elected goes banrupt announces he ar in Iraq Barack Obama marathon ar in folloing the of Donald the US from the the US from beteen Covid cases in the ‡resident the US on war in Iraq reelected unprecendente sentenced to crisis ‡resident ants to reform attacs …fghanistan deaths of two Trump ‡aris the nuclear ™ashington US, ith over in Iraq ‡resident d levels and death and the ”inancial Oussama Ben Afro-American agreement on agreement and eheran 40,000 deaths e„ecuted in he real sstem folloing is illed in citizens killed b climate ith ran household Laden George debt reaches ra© estate maret ˆanruptc the crisis ‡aistan the police Donald Trump Joe Biden is elected W. Bush signs 1•– of collapses of Lehman Bernard Madoff ensions increasingl as 4th ‡resident of the ‡atriot …ct income level Brothers mars is sentenced to he US are leading to ithdras from the US the beginning 150 ears in deprived from several international of the global prison their “AAA” rating shutdowns scene First Œovid case in ˆeginning of ”inancial crisis for the ”irst time in the Œhina, in Wuhan the ar in b S¢‡ administration ŠŽ agreement Afghanistan on GAFA taxation France taes he ‰ice treat Euro Signature of a ƒnlargement he ƒU starts he domain Romania and The crisis hits Angela Merkel ƒurope n ˆrussels, ƒU receives Croatia £ussia ‡aris agreement he “§eave” 0th anniversar mplementation Brexit saga he Uœ Presidency signed in issuance Security Pact of the ƒU to 10 accession name “.eu” Bulgaria oin reland, Spain, is reelected as €especiall the 1Ž ƒuro the Nobel oins the ƒU invades on climate ins in the of the signature of GDPR beteen the leaves the ƒU of the ƒU Februar brings beteen the ne member negotiations provides a ne the ƒU celand and the Šerman France‚ is hit ¤one member Peace Prize Crimea, referendum of the Rome Uœ and in šanuar Œouncil changes to ƒU and ‰…‘ states ith ure space hile Uœ as soon as Œhancellor b Cyclone states agree on ˆeginning of the triggering ƒuropean on Brexit treaty ƒurope the ƒuropean omoting he ƒŒˆ, the 2008 Xinthia the reinforcement implementation strong refugee crisis pr institutions …ngela ’erel ƒuropean Fed and the Šree sovereign of the European Fund for of Bale III geopolitical due to the ar he ƒuropean is elected identit on the Œentral ˆan of debt crisis ”inancial stabilit, on the tensions in Sria ‡arliament Šerman nternet šapan decide to recapitali¤ation of bans, approves the —enmar Šreece oins Œhancellor inect ›0ˆ and on the ipe out of comprehensive Europe accounts organi¤es a the Euro zone in the orld 50– of the Šree debt economic and for more than referendum on monetar oned b bans‹ trade agreement 30 million oining the single sstem €CETA‚ beteen Covid-19 cases curenc‹ ƒlectors Anti-austerity movement ƒU and Œanada vote ¨no¨ €15“’‚ in ƒurope and around the orld * Answer to the question "In your opinion, how will the economic outloo evolve for your inustry in France over the net 3 years" ositive, eutral, e€ative‚ Sources ƒ „e …one, „es Echos, aris …atch, „a †roi, France ‡, europaˆeu st st 6 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 7