Methodology and interviewed About American investor profiles AmCham France published the first survey We collected 124 responses from companies on the satisfaction of American investors in representing a total of more than 58,000 France in 1995. With the collaboration of Bain employees in France and more than 54 billion & Company, the Barometer became an annual euros in sales in France. AmCham in France Bain & Company event in 1999. The sample of responding companies is The AmCham-Bain Barometer, which is in its balanced and representative, both in terms AmCham France was founded in 1894 to Bain & Company is the international consulting st 21 edition in 2021, meets 3 objectives: of company size, sector of activity and promote economic exchanges between firm that helps ambitious executives transform • To measure from one year to the next geographic location in the Ile-de-France region France and the United States. As an their companies into pioneers of tomorrow’s the satisfaction of American investors or in the regions: it includes 42% of companies association, AmCham France offers a unique world. in France and their perception of the with more than 1,000 employees in France, space for networking to foster exchange and Through 59 offices in 37 countries, we partner economic environment 42% of companies who have between 100 and promote constructive thinking, acting as with our clients to achieve extraordinary 1,000 employees, and 16% of companies with a bridge between political, economic, and results that enable them to outperform the • Understand the strengths and weaknesses less than 100 employees. academic circles. competition and redefine their industry. of France for U.S. investments as well as The most represented sector is the chemical/ Today, it brings together leading French and Our integrated and customized expertise the “drivers” and “deterrents” of living in parachemical sector (15% of respondents) American companies, as well as numerous provides companies with access to a dynamic France for U.S. employees. followed by research and consulting firms (14% academic and economic partners, attached ecosystem that brings together the most • Gather the opinion of American investors of respondents). The pharmaceutical, IT and to fostering the transatlantic relationship. innovative digital and technology players. on topics that made the economic news in transport sectors each make up 10%, 9% and Independent of any government and With this approach, our clients achieve better, France, including the exceptional situation 8% of the sample. Among the other sectors convinced that businesses have a crucial faster and more sustainable results. related to Covid-19. represented, we can cite food processing, role to play in bringing new ideas to the Through our commitment to invest more heavy industries, legal advice and tourism. The public debate, AmCham France develops than $1 billion over 10 years in volunteer Between December 2020 and January 2021, typology of the respondents is shown in the concrete proposals to meet the major societal, we shared a questionnaire with the managers graph below. economic, and environmental challenges. activities, we mobilize our talents, resources of most French subsidiaries of American and expertise with non-profit associations and companies. They are mainly managers: presidents and As such, AmCham France is committed organizations to address pressing challenges directors of companies (35% of the sample) to strengthening France’s attractiveness. in education, racial and social equity, and or other members of management On behalf of its members, AmCham France economic and environmental development. committees (28%). works with public decision-makers to develop Since the founding of Bain & Company and consolidate a French environment that in 1973, we have measured our success by 35% is favorable to international companies, the companies that have placed their trust 28% particularly American companies, which in us: we are proud to have the highest are the leading foreign investors and recommendation rate in the consulting 19% 18% employers in France. industry. Chairman and CEOOther Directors Institutional relations Other st st 26 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 27

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