AmCham recommendations The 2021 AmCham-Bain barometer took place in a very atypical period. It is therefore essential to keep this in mind when reading the barometer results this year, as the different trends may be impacted by this changing context in the coming months, which may result in the acceleration or delay of certain factors. 1. Enhancing the strengths of French regions In the current context, the regions have that could be awarded to CEOs of Ameri- demonstrated great agility and proximity can companies with a strong regional to their populations and industries, and footprint who could testify about the these are now more than ever key factor success of their own installation and for France’s attractiveness. promote their development. Relying on its members companies settled AmCham France is committed to keep in the regions, AmCham France will on surveying U.S. companies located in intensify its efforts to promote the regions the regions to better understand their in the relocation of certain industries and needs and expectations and to share this in the implementation of new growth information with regional executives. opportunities pursued by the government in association with regional executives and AmCham France will partner with the U.S. local officials. Consulates and the U.S. Embassy in France to actively strengthen the attractiveness AmCham France recommends to of the regions. better promote the assets and policies implemented by the regions to attract investments by giving them more visibility among international investors. In this perspective, AmCham France encourages the creation of a status of Regional Investment Ambassador st st 22 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 23

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