A moderate decline in optimism A halt to job creation perspectives Unsurprisingly, the results of our 2021 After years marked by optimism for job barometer reflects what happened during creation, American companies, France’s the past year. The satisfaction of American largest foreign employers, expect to pay investors regarding the economic outlook in the price for the Covid crisis. Last year, 51% France is only going down slightly this year, of them thought that the number of their despite the current Covid crisis. Above all, employees would increase. This year, they the polarization of perceptions is remarkable are only 27%. It is even the first time since this year, with 39% of investors anticipating a 2016 that they are more to think that the positive evolution of the economic context, number of their employees will decrease but an increase in those predicting a negative (28% of investors). Many expect to have to outlook from 11% to 23%, reflecting the make adjustments in the next few years to uncertainties of our times. It is also worth compensate for the revenue declines of 2020. mentioning that the outlook is comparable to that of 2018. This apparent positive sign should not hide the fact that many investors simply anticipate a catch-up after the economic downturn in 2020. Projection How will the economic outlook evolve for Over the next 2-3 years, how will the number your industry in France over the next 2-3 of employees evolve in your company years? in France? American investors outlook on France 9% 11% 5% 7% 15% 20% 13% 17% 24% 28% 19% 23% 33% 33% 35% 42% 36% 48% 41% 50% 33% 49% 31% 45% 72% 46% 49% 52% 51% 41% 39% 42% 27% 30% 36% 21% 27% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Positive Stable Negative Don’t know Increase Stable Decrease st st 10 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 21 edition AmCham-Bain Barometer 11