Table of contents I Foreword 4 2 21 years of France’s attractiveness for American 6 investors in France 3 Barometer 2021 on the satisfaction of American 8 investors in France 6 figures to remember 8 Projection: U.S. investors’ outlook in France 10 | Medium-term outlook 11 | Job creation perspectives 11 | France in Europe 12 Perception : France and its regions as seen by American investors 13 | France’s NPS® 14 | Assets and priorities to attract investment in France 15 | Innovation and CSR ecosystems 15 | Events (excluding Covid) that made 2020 17 | Regions’ attractiveness 18 Focus: Impact of the Covid-19 20 4 AmCham’s recommendations to strengthen France’s 23 attractiveness 5 Methodology and profile of US investors interviewed 26 6 About AmCham and Bain & Company 27