About La Banque Postale Asset Management ( www.labanquepostale-am.fr ) With close to €50 billion in assets under management (at 30 Sep tember 2020), La Banque Postale Asset Management (LBP AM) is a multi-specialist conviction management firm working to make finance more sustainable and transparent. LBP AM is 70%-owned by La Banq ue Postale, 25% by Aegon Asset Ma nagement and 5% by Malakoff Humanis. A leader in socially responsible investment (SRI) for multi-spe cialist conviction management, LBP AM has four investment desks: Equity via its Tocqueville Finance subsidiary , Property & Private Assets (with a focus on debt), Multi-assets Management & Absolute Return, and Quantitative Inv estment Management. It serves a customer base of institutional investors, traditional and mutual insurers, la rge companies and external distributors with a range of open-ended, dedicated and advisor-directed funds. About Mirova Mirova is an investment manager dedicated to responsible invest ment and an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers. Through a conviction-dr iven investment approach, Miro va’s goal is to combine value creation over the long term with sustainable development. Mirova’s talents have b een pioneers in many areas of sustainable finance. Their ambition is to keep innovating to propose the most impact ful solutions to their clients. Mirova Portfolio management company – F rench Public lim ited liability company RCS Paris n°394 648 216 - Regula ted by AMF under n° GP 02-014 Registered Office: 59, Avenue Pie rre Mendes Franc e – 75013 - Pa ris Mirova is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers. About Ostrum Asset Management Ostrum Asset Management draws on its investment expertise to en hance the impact of its clients’ commitments as they act together to support E uropean citizens ’ life plans, health and retirement. A European institutional investment management leader 1 , Ostrum Asset Management supports its clients in their liability-driven investments, offering both asset management so lutions on the back of its long-standing fixed-income and insurance-related management expertise, and investment serv ices via its innovative technological platform. Ostrum Asset Management is a well-established responsible inves tment advocate 2 and manages €430 billion 3 in assets for large institutional clients – insurers, pension fund s, health insurers, corporations – as well as €590 billion 3 in assets under administration fo r professional investors world wide across all asset classes. Ostrum Asset Management is an a ffiliate of Natixis Investment M anagers. 4. IPE Top 500 Asset Managers 2020 ranked Ostrum AM as the 77 th largest asset manager, as at 12/31/2019. Any reference to a ranking, a rating or an award provides no guarantee for fu ture performance. 5. Ostrum AM was one of the fi rst French asset manager signator ies to the PRI in 2008. More details; www.unpri.org 6. Source: Ostrum Asset Management, consolidated data at end-Se ptember 2020. Administered assets include Ostrum AM's assets. The services provided for a given client may concern ce rtain services only. About Sycomore Asset Management Founded in 2001, Sycomore Asset Management is an asset manager specialised in sustainable listed investments and driven by a strong entrepreneur ial spirit. Since its creat ion, Sycomore has been committed to delivering long- term returns by identifying the levers that enable a company to generate sustainable value. The firm’s expertise draws on a fieldwork approach and a propri etary corporate fundamental analysis model, which includes financial and extra-financial criteria. Its team of 22 analysts-fund managers, inc luding 9 ESG specialists (Environment, Social and Governance) focus on assessing the ove rall performance of a company with respect to its stakeholders: shareholders, c lients, employees, suppliers, civil society and the environment. Since 2015, Sycomore AM has br oadened its range of investment s olutions with funds with a strong social, societal and environmental contribution. More recently, in collaboration with Quantis and I Care & Consult, it launched the NEC Initiative, an open-source collaborative platform dedicated to the NEC, for Net Env ironmental Contribution, which measures the degree of alignment of a product or service, project, company, portfolio or index with the ecological transition: www.nec-initiative.org.

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