on the issue of diversity within the management teams and will encourage better representation of women, especially in operational roles. Beyond leadership, the Group will also want to understand how t he criteria of gender diversity is considered in the recruitment and promotion process at all l evels of the corporate hierarchy, with the aim of ensuring the creation of a sufficiently diverse talent pool across the entire company. The Group will also ensure that companies have set cle ar goals relating to gender diversity and that an action plan has been put in place to achi eve them. Finally, during the Annual General Meetings, Group members will be able to use their voting rights to encourage companies to take concrete actions when the measures taken in favour of gender diversity are considered insufficient and the engagem ent with the company wouldn’t have led to a satisfactory result. With six members to date, the Group wishes to expand its member ship. Asset management companies that invest in SBF 120 companies, whether based in Fr ance or abroad, as well as institutional investors, are invited to join the 30% Club Fr ance Investor Group in the coming months. “The 30% Club Investor Group has been launched in five countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom) and we are pleased to now also be able to bring a collective voice around gender diversity in France. Our strategy w ill continue to evolve over time and we hope that the SBF 120 companies will respond positively to our requests for dialogue so that we can best support them in this transition,” said Marie Fromaget, Patrick Haustant and Molly Minton, who co-chair the 30% Club France Investor Group . List of the 30% Club France Investor Group members as at 09/11/ 2020: The Group is co-chaired by:  Amundi: Patrick Haustant and Molly Minton, ESG Analysts  AXA Investment Managers: Marie Fromaget, Human Capital and Div ersity Analyst The Group also counts among its members:  La Banque Postale Asset Management (LBP AM): Léa Bozzi, SRI An alyst  Mirova: Eva Lhomme, ESG Analyst  Ostrum Asset Management: Corinne Gaborieau, Research and SRI d epartment  Sycomore Asset Management: Sabrina Ritossa Fernandez and Sara Carvalho de Oliveira, ESG Analysts END NOTES TO EDITORS About the 30 % Club Investor Group : The 30 % Club Investor Group was created in 2011 in the UK. Its objectives are the following:  co-ordinate the investment community’s approach to diversity, in particular to explain the investment case for more diverse boards and senior management t eams;

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