The Citizenship and Entry into Israel law WOMEN’S RIGHTS (temporary amendment), which since 2003 Divorce and other personal status laws had forbidden family unification of governed by religious courts continued to Palestinian spouses with different legal discriminate against women. According to statuses, was not renewed in July. However, Mavoi Satum, an Israeli women’s rights the interior minister maintained the policy. organization, courts forced some 1,700 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS women to remain in abusive marriages every year. Laith Abu Zeyad, an Amnesty International On 30 June, the State Comptroller reported campaigner, was banned from travelling insufficient funding and inadequate policies outside the West Bank. The reason for the for protecting at-risk women and families. ban, imposed in October 2019, remained Sixteen women were killed in domestic 5 secret. violence, according to the Israel Observatory Shatha Odeh, director of the Palestinian on Femicide. Health Work Committees, was arrested on 7 July and remained in military detention. LGBTI PEOPLE’S RIGHTS Charges against her alleged her support for On 11 July, the Supreme Court ruled in the Popular Front for the Liberation of favour of equality in same-sex couples’ and Palestine, a political party with a military wing single men’s access to assisted reproduction that Israel has banned. services, bringing their access in line with On 13 October, Druze leader Salman that for heterosexual couples and single Awwad was arrested after peacefully women. demonstrating against the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights. He was charged with REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS organizing an illegal demonstration, closing a According to UNHCR, the UN refugee road and inciting violence. agency, Irael hosted some 41,327 refugees On 19 October, the Israeli government and asylum seekers. Most were Eritrean and declared six Palestinian civil society Sudanese nationals from conflict areas. Only organizations in the OPT “terrorist 1% were granted refugee status. Asylum organizations”.6 Two days earlier, the human seekers had no access to prompt and fair rights NGO Front Line Defenders had found status determination procedures, nor means that the mobile phones of six human rights of economic support. defenders from these organizations had been 7 RIGHT TO HEALTH hacked using Pegasus spyware. On 18 October, the Israeli minister of interior notified Israel purchased some 30 million doses of French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hammouri, Covid-19 vaccines and vaccinated 64% of one of the six, of the revocation of his citizens of Israel, residents of East Jerusalem, Jerusalem residency and deportation on the migrant workers and Palestinian prisoners basis of alleged “breach of allegiance to the with two doses by October; administered State of Israel”. third doses to more than 4 million citizens; and started vaccinating five-year-olds in CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS’ RIGHTS November, according to Israel’s health Conscientious objectors to military service ministry. Israel transferred 5,000 doses to the were imprisoned. Among them were Palestinian Authority in March and April, teenagers Shahar Perets and Eran while it had sent thousands of doses to Aviv, who served 88 and 114 days diplomatic allies Guatemala, Honduras and respectively in military prison for refusing to the Czech Republic in February, according to serve in the Israeli army. press reports. Amnesty International Report 2021/22 210