In October, police supervised evictions in million) only 15% were fully vaccinated. Deep Sea and Mukuru kwa Njenga, informal While commercial vaccine supplies remained settlements in Nairobi, to pave the way for a challenge to Kenya, the government made the construction of roads, leaving hundreds no commitment to allocate sufficient of residents homeless. While authorities resources for vaccinations in the 2021-2022 claimed to have given sufficient notice, the annual budget. government did not appear to provide UNLAWFUL KILLINGS AND ENFORCED adequate alternative settlements or DISAPPEARANCES compensation for the residents and did not meet its obligation to ensure access to During the year, 167 people were killed and housing as directed by the courts. 33 were forcibly disappeared by the police. REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS Only 28 prosecutions were initiated against In March, citing increased insecurity and suspected perpetrators of unlawful killings sustenance costs, the government issued a and enforced disappearance. In April, a 14-day ultimatum to UNHCR, the UN youth known as Collins from Mathare, an refugee agency, saying that if it did not close informal settlement in Nairobi, was arrested the Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camps, and killed by a police officer already steps would be taken to return refugees to suspected of multiple killings. His body was their countries of origin.5 The camps hosted taken to the Nairobi City mortuary. The around 512,000 refugees, around half of authorities did not investigate the crime. them from Somalia. Refugees, including In June, 28-year-old Erick Achando, a LGBTI people, expressed their fear of motorcycle taxi driver, was arrested in Kisii returning to countries from which they had County for violating the curfew. He died a few fled to seek safety in Kenya. On 30 April, the days later in a police cell after failing to pay a Kenyan government, following a meeting with fine of KES 8,000 (around US$71). The UNHCR, postponed the closure of the police claimed that he had died of an illness. Dadaab refugee camp to June 2022, Two police officers were arrested and retracting its initial position of immediate charged with his murder following an closure.6 investigation by the Internal Affairs Unit of the There were around 1,000 LGBTI refugees in National Police Service and an autopsy report the Kakuma and Dadaab camps who were that confirmed he died of severe head inadequately protected from homophobic injuries after being hit by a blunt object. attacks. In late March, unidentified people Following an inquest,8 Police Constable attacked the LGBTI refugee shelter in David Kibet Rono was arrested and charged Kakuma camp, throwing a petrol bomb at the in July with the murder in 2015 of 20-year- LGBTI refugees’ houses. Two LGBTI refugees old Nura Malicha Molu who died after being suffered second degree burns on about 50% shot in Nairobi’s Huruma estate. His alleged of their bodies and were evacuated for killer claimed to have acted in self-defence specialized medical attention in Nairobi. One but the inquest found that he had not posed of them, 22-year-old Chriton Atuhwera died any danger to the officer. The decision came on 12 April. Chriton Atuhwera, also known as five years after the IPOA began investigating Trinidad, had fled to Kenya from Uganda the killing and found inconsistencies, where he had been persecuted because of including in the various testimonies from 7 his sexuality. police officers. For example, material RIGHT TO HEALTH evidence, including a weapon said to belong to Nura Malicha Molu, was not presented by Although the cost of vaccinating the adult officers for analysis. population against Covid-19 was equivalent In August, the bodies of brothers Benson to 1% of the country’s annual budget Njiru Ndwiga and Emmanuel Mutura, aged (KES 38,329,600,000, around US$350 22 and 19 respectively, were found in Embu Amnesty International Report 2021/22 222