members of the security forces at her home 1. “El Salvador: Nayib Bukele’s recipe for limiting the exercise of human in the capital, Malabo, and held in a cell with rights”, 19 July dozens of men at the Judicial Police station. 2. “El Salvador: Human rights in danger”, 2 May A regular user of social media to denounce 3. El Salvador: Law initiative endangers NGOs, HRDs and media (Index: the situation of women in the country, in the AMR 29/5041/2021), 24 November months before her arrest Noelia Asama also made Facebook posts highlighting EQUATORIAL insalubrious conditions at the central food market and corruption in the main trade port. When released the following day, she was GUINEA questioned by officials about posting videos to social networks as well as about her social Republic of Equatorial Guinea media calls for President Obiang to step Head of state and government: Teodoro Obiang down. Nguema Mbasogo Noelia Asama called for a demonstration to take place on 16 October against the Freedom of expression was severely extension of the curfew to fight against restricted and harassment of human rights Covid-19. The demonstration was not defenders and social media activists authorized by the authorities and she continued. The right to a fair trial was received an official letter requiring her to violated. The death penalty remained present herself at the government regional despite renewed commitment for its delegation on 19 October. From there she abolition. The right to health was restricted, was taken to a police station and detained for mainly due to shortage of medicines. five hours before being released and told to BACKGROUND wait for further notifications and not leave the country. After more than 40 years under President HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and several years of economic recession, Equatorial Guinea’s Harassment and intimidation of human rights foreign relations were marred by corruption defenders and activists continued. cases. On 22 July, the country closed its On 26 May, at a meeting in Malabo with embassy in London after the UK applied opposition members, President Obiang sanctions against Teodoro Nguema Obiang accused Tutu Alicante, Executive Director of Mangue, vice-president and son of the EG Justice and member of the president, over corruption allegations. On 28 Equatoguinean Commission of Jurists, of July, the French Court of Cassation upheld receiving funds from US oil companies to his conviction on charges of embezzlement of destabilize the country. public funds. ARBITRARY DETENTIONS Throughout 2021, restrictive measures to address Covid-19 were reviewed and applied On 14 September a Health Ministry differently in the regions according to representative ordered six health workers at infection rates. the Campo Yaunde Health Centre in Malabo FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION to attend a police station to answer questions regarding a complaint about Covid-19 In its 2021 report, Reporters Without Borders vaccines being sold at the health centre to ranked Equatorial Guinea at 164 among 180 vaccinate foreigners. They were detained for countries in its press freedom index, citing a week without access to a lawyer before a strict censorship of media and journalists. judge released them for lack of formal On 29 July, social activist Noelia Asama was charges and no convincing proof of the arrested without warrant by six plain-clothed accusation. The daughter of one of the health Amnesty International Report 2021/22 159