In July, a state-aligned media outlet one case, Mohammad al-Qahtani, a human announced that Qiwa, a platform run by the rights defender and founding member of the Ministry of Human Resources, had set a now disbanded Saudi Civil and Political maximum quota for the hiring of Indian, Rights Association (ACPRA), was detained Bangladeshi, Yemeni and Ethiopian incommunicado and was not allowed to nationals. While this decision stated that it speak to his family for 14 days after he tested only applied to newly hired workers, or positive for Covid-19 in April.6 workers who had shifted their permits to new Individuals in urgent need of medical care entities, Reuters and Human Rights Watch continued to be imprisoned without adequate reported that the Saudi authorities had medical attention or treatment. effectively terminated contracts or stopped Mohammad al-Khudari, an 83-year-old renewing the contracts of tens of Yemenis Palestinian man and retired surgeon, already employed in institutions in the politician and writer, whose health was country. deteriorating in prison, was deprived of adequate medical treatment for multiple WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS health issues, including cancer, On 8 February, Crown Prince Mohammad bin incontinence, herniated discs, bone fragility Salman announced on Saudi Arabia’s official and general frailty. The SCC sentenced him press agency major legislative developments, on 8 August to 15 years in prison (with half of including a new personal status law. The the term suspended because of his age) after authorities made no further announcements a mass trial that included his son. The regarding this legislative reform and it sentence was reduced following an appeal remained unclear when the new law would session on 28 December to six years in come into effect. Women continued to face prison (with a three-year suspension). The serious discrimination in marriage, divorce, trial was marred by serious due process 7 inheritance and child custody. violations. In May, a state-aligned media outlet Religious cleric Salman Alodah remained in reported that the Shura Council renewed solitary confinement since his arrest in discussions to amend the nationality law to September 2017. According to his son, his give permanent residency, without any fee or health had deteriorated in detention, leading lengthy procedures, to the children of Saudi him to lose part of his vision and hearing. Arabian women married to foreign nationals. Charged with offences punishable by death, RIGHT TO HEALTH Salman Alodah had faced over 10 trial sessions since his trial began in August As of September, according to the Ministry of 2018, including three sessions in 2021 Health, at least 42 million doses of Covid-19 alone, all of which were postponed for vaccines had been administered. According months with no clear reason given, exacting a to Reuters, this represented about 61% of huge mental and emotional toll on him and the country’s population, assuming each his loved ones. person had received two doses. DEATH IN CUSTODY A state-aligned media outlet reported that as of April, about 68% of detainees in state In October, cleric Musa al-Qarni was attacked security prisons had been vaccinated against and killed in detention by another inmate in Covid-19, and that work to vaccinate the his cell in Dhahban prison near Jeddah. remaining prisoners who had consented was According to sources, his face, skull and ribs ongoing. In cases where prisoners tested were smashed and fractured, and he positive for Covid-19, prison authorities suffered bleeding in the brain. The authorities isolated them in individual cells. However, failed to carry out an investigation into his 8 prisoners were also denied contact with their death. families for the duration of their isolation. In Amnesty International Report 2021/22 319