3. Viet Nam: Activist Tortured, Held in Solitary Confinement for Over 300 BACKGROUND Days (Index: ASA 41/3878/2021), 23 March The armed conflict continued throughout 4. “Viet Nam: As Ho Chi Minh City extends Covid-19 restrictions, 2021, markedly escalating in February and militarized response must respect human rights”, 13 September September when Huthi forces launched offensives against government forces in YEMEN Ma’arib, Dahle’, al-Bayda and Shabwa governorates. This resulted in unprecedented territorial gains for Huthi forces, who by the Republic of Yemen end of 2021 were closing in on Ma’arib city. Head of state: Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi These and other fronts witnessed Head of government: Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed displacement of 573,362 people, according to the International Organization for All parties to the conflict in Yemen Migration. continued to commit violations of Fighting also continued in Aden, Abyan and international humanitarian and human Shabwa governorates, including in heavily rights law with impunity. The Saudi Arabia- populated areas, between the United Arab led coalition, supporting the internationally Emirates-backed STC and government recognized Yemeni government, and Huthi forces, between STC factions, and between forces continued to carry out attacks that STC forces and local tribes. Although STC unlawfully killed and injured civilians and and government representatives restated destroyed civilian objects, including food their commitment to the Riyadh power- infrastructure. Southern Transitional sharing agreement, it was still not fully Council (STC) forces carried out summary implemented and STC forces remained killings. Parties to the conflict carried out outside of government control. harassment, arbitrary detentions, enforced Despite promising signs of a breakthrough disappearances, torture and other ill- in political talks between the parties in 2020, treatment, and unfair trials, against by the end of 2021 the newly appointed UN individuals on the basis of their political, Special Envoy for Yemen noted that discord religious or professional affiliations, their between the parties was deepening. peaceful activism or their gender. All parties UNLAWFUL ATTACKS perpetrated gender-based violence and discrimination. The government and STC The Saudi Arabia-led coalition and Huthi used lethal violence to repress largely forces continued to conduct indiscriminate peaceful protests demanding measures to attacks, which killed and injured civilians and address the deteriorating economic destroyed and damaged civilian objects, situation. Parties to the conflict impeded including food distribution facilities. the flow of food, medicine, fuel and The Saudi Arabia-led coalition carried out humanitarian aid. The Huthi de facto air strikes that killed or injured civilians and authorities prevented Covid-19 damaged civilian objects. On 21 March, in vaccinations. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain Hodeidah governorate, two air strikes hit Salif lobbied state members of the UN Human grain port, damaging facilities and injuring Rights Council (HRC) against renewing the five employees. On 14 June, in Khamir Group of Eminent International and district, Amran governorate, two poultry farms Regional Experts on Yemen (UN GEE), were hit by missiles that the UN GEE forcing the termination of the only concluded were likely fired by the Saudi international, impartial investigative Arabia-led coalition. The UN GEE expressed mechanism for Yemen. All parties to the concern that the coalition was failing to take conflict contributed to environmental all feasible measures to protect civilians. degradation. Death sentences were handed Huthi forces continued to use imprecise down and executions carried out. heavy weaponry. Throughout March, they Amnesty International Report 2021/22 406