of Hamas’s political bureau. Independent PALESTINE (STATE monitors did not observe the internal Hamas elections. OF) In June, the West Bank-based Palestinian authorities replaced elected municipal State of Palestine councils with caretaker committees Head of state: Mahmoud Abbas supervised by the Ministry of Local Head of government: Mohammed Shtayyeh Government. Israel’s blockade on Gaza since 2007 Palestinian authorities in the West Bank forbade the import of materials it deemed a and the Hamas de facto administration in security threat, including spare mechanical the Gaza Strip repressed dissent, resorting parts and chemicals, some of which were to arbitrary detention, torture and other ill- brought in through irregular and unsafe treatment, and use of excessive force tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt perimeter. against protesters. In Gaza, civilians were Tunnels were also used to bypass taxes tried before military courts. Palestinian collected by Hamas on consumables from armed groups fired indiscriminate rockets Egypt. On 18 April, the Egyptian army said it into Israel. Vaccine distribution in the West had destroyed five tunnels. Bank favoured high-ranking officials over On 30 August and 28 December, President health workers. Women enjoyed fewer rights Abbas met the Israeli defense minister as than men in relation to divorce, custody of part of confidence-building measures. children and inheritance, and violence In October, Fatah and Hamas against women increased. representatives participated in talks in Egypt BACKGROUND to form a unity government. Armed conflict between Israel and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, Palestinian armed groups in Gaza erupted ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY from 10 to 21 May, the fifth conflict in 15 On 24 June, political critic Nizar Banat died years. in the custody of Palestinian Preventive Palestinian governing factions remained Security forces after they arrested and split territorially – Fatah in charge in the West tortured him in Hebron, southern West 1 Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Bank. This triggered demonstrations for Palestinians in both territories remained freedom of expression in other Palestinian 2 under Israeli military occupation and towns, which the authorities met with discriminatory rule that constituted apartheid. excessive and unnecessary force. On 15 January, President Abbas announced Demonstrators and bystanders were arrested a 2021 schedule for parliamentary elections, and allegedly tortured. According to presidential elections and elections to the Addameer, a Palestinian prisoner support Palestinian National Council, but on 30 April organization, Palestinian security forces took cancelled them all. The last elections were at least 15 protesters, journalists and human held in 2006. Budget allocations to political rights defenders to a detention facility in parties, governmental departments, security Jericho city in the West Bank known as “the personnel and tenders for natural resource slaughterhouse” in late June and early July, management were corrupt, according to in the context of the protests. An Addameer Aman, a Palestinian think tank advocating for lawyer said they were accused of “inciting transparent governance. sectarian and racial strife”. On 10 March, Yahya Sinwar, a former During demonstrations on 26 and 27 June commander of a Palestinian armed group, in Ramallah city in central West Bank, was re-elected head of Hamas in Gaza. On 1 security forces in civilian clothes attacked August, Ismail Haniyeh was re-elected leader Amnesty International Report 2021/22 290