Crimean Tatar human rights defenders and RIGHT TO HEALTH prisoners of conscience, Emir-Usein Kuku The continuing lack of independent and Server Mustafayev, remained behind information from and access to the territories bars in Russia, as did dozens of other victims controlled by armed groups in Donbas of politically motivated prosecutions by the de hampered attempts to control Covid-19 facto Crimean authorities – often in inhuman infections. The Ukrainian government made and degrading conditions. free vaccination available to visitors from ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES across the conflict line, including through Not a single case of enforced disappearance vaccination centres at crossing checkpoints. from 2014 – the start of the Russian However, the de facto authorities continued occupation of the territory – was effectively to impose arbitrary restrictions on travel into investigated. The fate and whereabouts of government-controlled territories. They also those forcibly disappeared remained recognized and relied exclusively on Russian- unknown. supplied vaccines, deliveries of which were DONBAS reportedly greatly insufficient. A spike in patients requiring intensive care in Repression of dissent and restrictions on civil September reportedly overwhelmed the local society persisted in the territories of eastern medical facilities, which also suffered from a Ukraine controlled by Russia-backed armed profound shortage of medical personnel and groups. The UN Human Rights Monitoring supplies. Mission in Ukraine (UNMMU) reported an absence of the necessary services and 1. “Ukraine: Authorities must conduct effective investigation into support for survivors of domestic violence, suspicious death of prominent Belarusian exile”, 3 August and noted the personal risks, including of arrest and prosecution, faced by activists defending the rights of women. The UNMMU UNITED ARAB also reported arbitrary arrests and prolonged incommunicado detention, and ongoing EMIRATES unlawful imprisonment, of women and men by the de facto authorities. It was denied access to places of detention in non- United Arab Emirates government controlled territories despite “the Head of state: Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan widespread and credible allegations of torture Head of government: Mohammed bin Rashed Al and ill-treatment in a number of facilities”. Maktoum The UNMMU also reported at least nine new The government continued to commit cases of arbitrary arrest of civilians by SBU serious human rights violations, including officers. arbitrary detention, cruel and inhuman IMPUNITY treatment of detainees, suppression of Numerous previously reported violations of freedom of expression, and violation of the international humanitarian law by both sides right to privacy. The right to health was to the conflict remained uninvestigated. partially fulfilled. The United Arab Emirates No progress was made in attaining justice (UAE) continued to deprive stateless for victims of enforced disappearance, torture individuals of the right to nationality, and unlawful detention by the SBU in eastern impacting their access to a range of Ukraine from 2014 to 2016, and the practice services. Courts passed death sentences of using secret prisons continued to be and executions were reported. officially denied. An ongoing investigation still BACKGROUND failed to identify a single alleged perpetrator. In January, the UAE announced it was ending an economic and travel blockade on Amnesty International Report 2021/22 384